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tv   FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace  FOX News  May 27, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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archbishop of washington. plus, are president obama attacks on governor romney's business record working? and our power player of the week, a remarkable story of devotion to country and sacrifice you will not want to miss. all right now. on fox news sunday. and hello again on this memorial day weekend. from fox news in washington. as we remember those who is given their lives defending our country, we continue to face foreign policy challenges. here to tackle all of that is senator john mccain. welcome back to fox news sunday. >>guest: thank you for having me on especially memorial day. >>chris: there has been another massacre in syria, government forces killed more than 90 people including more than 30 children. you can see some of the bodies
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stacked up like cord wood in a village and the white house has decided to start vetting some of the rebels to see if they are islamic radicals and, perhaps to lets other arab countries arm them. is that enough? >>guest: of course not and only about a year too late. this is a shameful episode in american history. it began back in 2009 when we refused, when the president of the united states refused to speak up on behalf of the demonstrators in the streets in tehran, and it has gone from one episode to another. we have over a year and now talking about possibly vetting some people. look, nearly 10,000 people have died this is a brutal regime of incredible proportions, and, by the way, if as sad fails in it would be the greatest blow to iran in the last 25 years
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because it would cut off the hezbollah, syria's most important client state, et cetera. but, look, horrible things are happening in syria and this administration has a feckless foreign policy which abandons american leadership. i know because i visit with these people, they are ready to help these people. they are already helping them some but it cries out for american leadership, and american leadership is not there. >>chris: there is a story on the front page of "new york times" that president obama is considering trying to get assad out diplomatically with the help of the russians. how likely is that? >>guest: again, he are here a year later, 10,000 killed and the main supplier of arms to assad, we will convince them that this is our hopes now resting on convincing them to help ease out assad comparing it to yemen which there is no
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comparison. it is, really, just a sad story. and, what the conclusion, the only conclusion you can draw is that this president wants to kick the can down the road on all these issues until after the election and saying he would be more flexible after being reelected and it is an abdication of everything that america stands for and believes in. on memorial day we should be especially moved by this incredible inaction and failure to assert american leadership. >>chris: you were saying before we came on the air you see a pattern in syria, in afghanistan, in pakistan, with the pakistanis thumbing their nose at us by taking this doctor who helped to find bin laden and sentencing him for 33 years in prison continue treason, that you see a pattern here of the other countries dissing the united states. >> you have to being look as it
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in the entirely, you are puzzled, this is all has to do with the foreign policy led by a budget who does not believe in american exceptional im. it began in iran when we failed to stand up in 2009 and in libya we led from behind. the war was much longer because we didn't use american air power. with iran, clearly, we are kicking the can down the road. how many times have we seen north korea and iran and the different negotiations that have taken place? afghanistan, obviously, the taliban believe that we are leaving. in pakistan why would they directly insult america by putting a doctor who helped us apprehend or take out the most notorious terrorist in the world and he put him in prison for 33 years because the pakistanis believe that we are leaving. this president -- have you her
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the word victory come through the lips of this president bass we always talking about withdrawal. withdrawal. withdrawal. withdrawal. withdrawal. and of course iraq is unravelling because we did not leave a residual force there, and, the negotiations with iran, could i give you a quote, the e.u. foreign policy chief about the negotiations with iran "what we have now is some common ground in a meeting in place where we can take that further forward." i'm not making that up. so, we continue, and next we will, they will meet in now, and, meanwhile, we are accepting enriched uranium which was as we said they cannot do and the iranians have not been deterred but the israelis are watching with great concern as there is no change in the progress. >>chris: let me saw -- ask you
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about iran. the iranians continue to install more centrifuges and there were traces found at a site of more highly enriched uranium than we know, not 20 percent but 27 percent. question: is it time to give up on diplomacy? >>guest: i think it is time to draw some red lines. the united states and israel, together, and say, as the president of the united states has said, that it is unacceptable for them to acquire nuclear weapons and --. >>chris: what do you mean by broad line? >>guest: stop the enrichment, allow the inspectsors in. and if you cross the red lines all options are on the table. >>chris: you say all options are on the table and we always say that. >>guest: look, i cannot say in front of you i am in favor of military action but there has to be a red line which they cross and they must face the consequences. now, that action can take a
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various right of ways beside all out air attacks but the fact is, right now, the iranians, despite the harm to their economy, and there has been significant arm to their economy, they have not changed one bit from the path they are on. >>chris: let me ask you about egypt which has just held the first round --. >>guest: finally, that option has to be on the table and the unins have to know that otherwise there will be no success in the negotiations. >>chris: joint has just completed their first round, the first free elections for president, ever, and it now looks like there will be a run off between the muslim brotherhood head, and the last prime minister of mubarak's administration. do we support him because he maintains close relations with israel and the united states and because he would block the muslim brotherhood from taking control of the entire country
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and possibly creating an islamic test? >>guest: we cannot weigh in on this it would help -- there is a strong anti-american e in egypt for a variety of reasons but we have to stay out of it. if it is a fair democratic process, we have to recognize the result of that and we have to work with whoever wins. >>chris: what if it is a muslim brotherhood president and a muslim brotherhood parliament. >>guest: that could be, that could have a serious consequence but i would also point out that there are different gradients of the muslim brotherhood. they were once the only opposition to mubarak in egypt. mubarak was going to go and anyone who thinks he wasn't does not recognize history. we have to work with that new regime. i am very worried, mainly about their economy which is they are running out of the hard currency and facing extreme economic
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difficulties and we have to accept that election if it is free and fair and work with whoever is one ir. right now, i would say it is a strong possibility of a polarization of generation society no matter who wins. >>chris: and now, afghanistan, we talk about american soldiers in harm's way and we still have 90,000 troops and well get down to 60,000 by the end the summer and the president has a timeline to get all of the forces out in 2 1/2 years and you and other credit ins of the president say you should not have the timeline. we need more time to help train the afghan forces so they can stand up and defend themselves. my question: who is training the talibanst they do not seem to need 10 years of training to fight? why do our allies need 10 years of training? >>guest: for a variety of reasons, insurgency warfare does not require the training of a regular military of a
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counterinsurgency but the taliban believe that we are leashing. the president has announced withdrawal after withdrawal. and the president has overridden the recommendations of his military commandser whose he has recommended, would he has, not recommended, would he as put in their positions, and, the president has increased the risk ovary time. famous story about the taliban captive in the american interrogator and he says you've got the watches. we've got the time. that is what the taliban believe. there is a network killing americans and working with pakistani intelligence and still corruption at most levels and, also, now, the administration lands on reducing the afghan national army by a hundred thousand at this time in the most severe economic difficulty. the entire regions believes the united states is withdrawing and
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they have to live in the neighborhood and they are making the accommodations and that is not good for america. >>chris: and briefly 2012 politics. you criticized president obama for going after governor romney and bain capital as "class warfare at its worst." so we had our researchers look at what you said four years ago about governor romney and you said this about romney: he managed companies and he bought and he sold and sometimes people lost their jobs. and your campaign manager said this about bain: you go and buy companies, you strip away the jobs and you re-sell them. soient you engaging in the same kind of class welfare? >>guest: i don't speak to my campaign managers he speaks for himself but, this is a the free enterprise system. the only place in the world i can recall where companies never fail was the old soviet union. this is what investors do in the free enterprise in capitalist system you take $5 million in a
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warehouse and you send up with day peoples i argue that is what it is all about. and, yes, free enterprise system can be cruel. but, the problem with this administration is, that small businesses are the ones who have suffered the most. the kind that need investors, the kinds that do not need the hundreds of pages, thousands of pages of regulations that continue to plague them and have them hold back on hiring and investment. and this is memorial day. >>chris: i wanted to in 30 seconds or whatever time you need as the sun and the the grad son of military men and as a war hero yourself. >>guest: and son of the navy. >> who was in the marines, too. >> the great honor of my life was to have had the opportunity long ago and far away to have served in the company of heroes, men like job stockdale and bobby
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spiker, and bill lawrence, they inspired us, our motto was home with honor and because of their leadership and their love for us, we did come home with honor. >>chris: thank you, senator john mccain, for coming in especially on this weekend. we thank you for your service to the nation. thank you very much. the obama contraception mandate that the catholic leaders are challenging in court. the archbishop of washington joins next. ♪
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>>chris: 43 catholic organizations sued the government this week seeking to overturn the mandate that many religious institutions must offer insurance to cover
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contraception. joining us is cardinal wuerle. the white house makes several points. they say, almost 99 percent of women, including a lot of catholic womenning use contraception at some point and many struck toll afford it so they call this a women's health issue and 28 states they say require health insurance plans cough birth control. your response? >>guest: well, this whole lawsuit isn't about contraception. it is about religious freedom. embedded in the mandate is a radically new definition of what constitutes a religious community, what constitutes religious ministry. brand new. never before applied at federal level that is what we argue about. the lawsuit says, we have every
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right to serve in this community as we have served for decades and decades. the new definition says you are not really religious if you serve people other than your own and if you hire people other than your own. that wipes out all of the things that we have been doing, all the things we contribute to the common good -- our schools, health care services, catholic charities charities and parish soup kitchens and pantries. >>chris: the white house says the famous accommodation by president obama they have changed the mandate so that the insurance companies that you are dealing with, to provide health insurance coverage to your employees they have to provide the birth control for free and that the charities, the schools, the hospitals, do not have to do anything. next is one of the reasons we have been saying the
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accommodations, really, did not change anything, because so many of our institutions, certainly the arch diocese, is self insured. we are the insurer. so, when you say, don't worry we have changed it so only the insurer has to pay, and we are the insurer, this is no accommodation. >>chris: they say over the next year we are taking public comment on this and we, "tweak," that regulation so the self-insurers will not have to provide the birth control. >>guest: the last time the government said we will hear from you on this, 200,000 suggestions went in and not one of them was accepted. what was in the presentation before the request for suggestions was exactly what the administration reported out. and, by the way, it is law right now. it is law right now. all of this conversation about, well, maybe we will find a way aaround it, that is
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conversation. what is law right now is that definition is what we are going to have to live with. that is why we have gone into court. in the united states if there is an impasse on something as fundamental as your rights, you go to court and you scrape away all the politics. >>chris: i don't know if you have heard of this, if you have not, i will inform you, what do you make of the fact that broadcast networks have spent a grand total of 19 seconds this week on their evening newscast, 19 seconds, covering the lawsuits by the 43 catholic organizations. what do you make of that? >>guest: well, it is puzzling since they are focusing some much attention -- it seems that somehow they have missed the vote. they have missed the story. and, that's why it is so important we have a moment like this. >> is it political bias? >>guest: well, i think we have to take a look at this in a much
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longer picture, and, certainly, people have their own mindset when they come at an issue and that is a reason why we will continue just to say to our people, the issue is religious liberty. >>chris: i will pick up on that. there is a split, as you know, in the catholic church on this issue, 13 catholic die -- diocese filed suit and some fellow bishops in california are saying, this is, seem those be part of a political campaign by some conservative leaders, against president obama. >>guest: i don't know where that is coming from. because there was one bishop who was quoted. he issue add statement saying he is totally supportive of all of this including the lawsuits so i don't know where that story is coming from. i know it is out there. this is one of the reasons it is important to have a program like
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this where we can speak directly to people rather than have --. >>chris: are you say leg is no split? >>guest: i have yet to see any split among the bishops at all and the bishop who was quoted as saying he was concerned issued a statement saying that what wassed said about him was not his position. as for how many diocese have gone into court, i am thing, when we had the great decision of the supreme court that said you can't segregate public schools, it was one case. that did not invalidate the argument that segregation was wrong, so when you say well, there must be some division in the church because not every diocese is going to court, well, there are diocese and institutions and universities and hospitals all across the country who is gone into court and the idea was to make this will representative of the church in the united states.
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and it would be physically impossible do get every diocese into court at the same time. >>chris: governor romney came out this week foe allowing federal funds to be use by low income parents to send their kids to any public school they want or even to some private schools and parochial schools. do you support that idea? >>guest: the idea that money should follow the child, we all pay the taxes, we all pay taxes for education. why doesn't that money follow the parents and the kid? for example, here if you live in the district of columbia, if you are very wealthy or have a lot of support you can send your child to a very exclusive private school. but if you live in the center city, if you live if some of the poorest neighborhoods, you don't get an option. that is why the catholic church is there. that is why we have our schools in the center city. saying we will give you a chance to get a decent education. and, we will pay for it.
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but, wouldn't it be fair, wouldn't it be just and really honest, if every child got a chance at a real, true academically excellence education and a way to do that is to let the parents have the choice. >> do you think mormons are crew christians. >>guest: i never get into defining other people. i define myself. that is one of the reasons why we are in court the i define myself. i don't want the president to define me so i will not define someone else. chris finally, and you were just saying all attention being given to it because it is fascinating, the pope's butler has been arrested for allegedly leaking confidential documents including personal letter from the pope to the news media and the documents seem to show cronyism and corruption inside the vatican. what would you tell concerned
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catholics? >>guest: i wouldn't worry too much about what i am reading in the newspaper about something that media has reported in italy about something that someone says is going on. i'll not really all together certain that the butler's access to some documents is, really, the junior concern of the church or should be a major concern of people in the united states of america today. we have so many other issues. one of them, for example, is we are going to be celebrating memorial day. we are going to be turned our attention to those brave women and men who died we in the defense of this country, of its freedom, of its constitution and the ability of all of us to carry on our way of life. i think that's what our focus should be this coming memorial day as we simply recognize who
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we are by the way that is a reason we are this court. we are saying, we are saying we have been told all along we are buried if flags these brave men and women, because they were defending our freedom and our constitution. >>chris: well done, cards natural. thank you very much for joining us and, as always, an honor to speak with you. >>guest: a great joy to be with you. >>chris: next we discuss president obama's continuing attacks on romney's big record.
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because he does not understand how the free economy works. >> president obama and governor romney going after each other on the issue dominating the campaign these days, the role of private second quit and who is more qualified to put america back to work. time for our sunday group. brit hume, senior political analyst, and kirsten powers, and the walking way's kimberly strassel and jeff. kimberly you say governor romney's allege brand of vulture capitalism is mild compared to president obama. >>guest: the argument, you her the president talk about this, said the rap on private equity and bain and romney that this is profit driven free enterprise is ruthless and the job of the president should be more and that is why romney is unqualified. what is interesting, you have had an example of how the president does view capitalism
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and how he would do it. he did it with detroit, with solyndra, and you have examples of what that proves, when the government is running business, his idea of how you do it, get bankruptcies and layoffs and you get tens of millions of lost taxpayers money and subsidies and mandates and political favoritism of the sort you saw in the bailout, for instance, united auto workers ahead of corporate bond holders and this is what he prefers. this ought to be a contrast romney is making. >>guest: it is a fair contrast and obama administration overpromised on at the love things, in particular on the green jobs but a lot of the criticism for solyndra is overstated because it was a small portion of overall money spent. the issue the white house is trying to make with romney and romney is pretending he thinks this is about an attack on capitalism which it is not, at
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all, and the administration can do a better job making clear they are not attacking private equity but private action quit is not about creating jobs but wealth and wealth is comparing that, wealth creation with job creation but you do not find a private equity person and they not this to create jobs. >> a number of top democrats this week undercut the president and criticized him for attacks on bain and private equity so many that the republican national committee put out a video listing the critics. governor ed but the obama campaign said, this weekend, they are not back off and they will continue the attacks on bain and they will we broaden and link it to governor romney's record as governor of
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massachusetts. are they making a mistake? >> i thought when this issue first arose during the primary campaign that romney needed to be prepared for it to come even harder during the general and he would need to make a very broad defense, not simply by saying, yes, we have lost jobs in some of our enterprises we invested in but we create add lot more jobs or something like that, and i method he needed to make a broad base defense of private equity investedment linked to the growth of the economy and renewal of american business and i am thinking i may have been wrong. this has been so clumsy in the handling, and so many democrats have recoiled from it that i am thinking that, maybe, he does not need to do that and this is a blind alley for the obama administration. because of several things. one of those, or the examples that kim cited we in the column, but, also, the president has, through with fundraisers and
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members of his administration and so forth, ties to private equity and the big wall street heavies that the whiff of hypocrisy on his part becomes unmistakable so i am thinking this attack isn't working and i thought it may. >>chris: jeff there is a narrative that between the blow back from some democrats about bain and the fact that the president has gone so negative, so personal on romney, so early, that he has stumbled out of the gate. do you buy that? >> we do not, it is too early to know. the reality is the obama campaign planned always to use two months of the summer, may, june, and july to defend romney so that is what we see. we are not sure if it is successful, the roll out of bain capital was, really, nothing short of a disaster for them and they had a lot of time to do this in the eastern atlantic and coastal region but --. ought government of pennsylvania
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and the mayor of new york had their own ties? >> what matters is how this is internalized by voters in ohio and wisconsin and michigan but it is too early to say that the president's campaign has stumbled coming from the gate. it looks like they are not up to speed on the campaign with a year to get it ready and the romney campaign is in fighting form, finishing a primary and the obama campaign is slower here but they are trying to define mitt romney so we will see. in august we will see where mitt romney is standing. if he is as strong in august as he is now the obama campaign is in real trouble. and they realize that. it will be a very tight election, but, the ups and downs of the weeks are not as important as how the voters are internalizing the messages. >>chris: presidents, incoming president seeking re-election generally tend to be slow in getting off the presidential mantle in attacking their
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opponents, usually midsummer or july or august before they say it is my opponent and until then this president is going after romney personally, negatively, by name, and david axelrod, the president's chief strategist said there is no point in being coy about this. is the brand of obama as a uniter something semi- can no longer afford? >> the brand has to be of a fighter and that is what democrats averaged to see. it is no mistake this is happening, they do it on purpose trying to define romney. who better to try and define him but the president himself? they have tried surrogates to define him but the president is going after him and of course he is going to lose some of the brand of independent votes but even if this bain thing is not perfect for democrats it is still being fought on romney's turf and every story is pointing out he has business experience and is a business leader so that is why voters give him strong marks although they are not sure
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what he would do on the economy they are hoping that mitt romney any could handle it better. all that is motor of the disquiet of democrats, which, yes, he is being -- attacking very hard but what they are worried about since he has come out of the indicates we had we a week of discussion on contraception and a week of discussion on student loans and now, the question is, how do they define himself? this election is going to be about jobs. there is a worry, growing among democrats that he is rushing here and there to the different subjects and he is not saying how will he fix the unemployment. >>chris: i am struck by that. there seems to be little conversation about what he has accomplished. and, two, kind of an understandable plan for what he wants to do over the next four years. >> they understand there is a referendum on him and are trying to make it into a referendum on
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romney because the economy is not doing as well as they would like it to be and the polls are showing he is struggling with white working class voters, so, what they want to do is convince people that romney does not have the expense to create jobs so that is why they are going after this. so, remembers they had other attacks that did not work and he had no core, and, he was, they go through the different things and they do not stick and now this is the one they have latched on to. >> i just thought of this, kirsten referenced it twice, the president and his team think the idea that you create wealth is unrelated to creating jobs. every business person who runs a hamburger stand understands you are trying to make a profit and the business has jobs as a byproduct. it is not as if there is a favorite industry called "jobs are us," which is in business for the purpose of creating jobs, that is now how it works and it makes the president sound to people not sophisticated
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about wall street he does not get house the system works and it could be true. he doesn't "get" how the whole system works. chris well -- chris: we will take a break now. ♪ [ ma announcer ] four seats, 4-wheel drive, fully independent suspension. the gator xuv 550 s4. owthe off-road.
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>> chris: that was the sce >>chris: that was a scene in a syrian village where 90 people including 30 children were massacred by government forces widely condemned bit country and other countries. we are back, now works a panel. could this massacre be the
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tipping point and the united states get involved or arm or provide through other countries, trying to force assad out. >> it could if the administration decided it would follow-up on the doctrine that it proclaimed when, during the intervention in libya. remember, responsibility to protect which was considered we by the so-called international community and by the united states as a "reason" for intervening to prevent the bombing of benghazi where it thought a massacre of this type was inevitable. now we have seen a series of atrocities atrocities and the administration has been on the sidelined although there was a denunciation by the secretary of state on the attack yesterday but we do not see the president trying to make the case for some sort of military intervention on our part or with other countries. when we hear that we could be
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able to say, yes, this was a tipping point. >>chris: kirsten is your sense the administration will remain on the side lines? >>guest: they have not given an indication they will do anything but remain on the side lines but that does not mean they will not be moved. you did not know they would get involved with libya but they turned on a dime. this is, those decisions box them in. because there is the question, why libya in and why not syria? they would say they thought genocide was happening if libya and, perhaps, they do not consider what is going on in syria as being so serious. >>chris: 9,000 plus killed. unconscious it is terrible but they are not acting with the same sense of urge answer. >>chris: and another trouble spot i discussed with john mccain is egypt. there should be good news, a run off in the first free presidential elections between the member of the muslim
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brotherhood and former general who was the last prime minister for mubarak. do we have to remain on the side lines although we are not crazy about the idea of the muslim brotherhood taking control of the presidency? >>guest: what you see there happening which is good news, you see a movement toward free and timely elections. not everyone is thrilled with the two choices including a lost generations but you are seeing some good omens, for instance, now you have had a couple more candidates who have been out of the race because of the last round, and you have the two who are remaining, and moving more centrist fashion to get the voters to support the other people, and, again, the most important thing, you cannot move ahead in egypt until you have this settled and there is a lot of complaints about military council rule and this is the first step toward the transition occurring. >>chris: looking at syria and egypt and the stalemate and
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looming deadlines in iran and we will get do that in a minute, how much do you think foreign policy, how much of a role will foreign policy play? >> it has been shockingly small, we have talked about afghanistan a little bit but not that much given the fact there is a ongoing role but there is little conversation and as we move into the general election which we are, we are probably going to hear more from the romney campaign on what he thinks the administration should be doing. there is a big opening here for him. i would not be surprised if he sort of followed the lead of john mccain who was aggressive calling it a feckless policy and feckless administration, they are spending monday campaigning together, governor romney and john mccain so it will play more of a role not end. but what is happening in egypt is a great example.
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a year ago it looked like the revolution was such a good thing and now the hope for a middle ground is not necessarily there, so, it is a worry for this administration and an opening for the romney campaign. >> but, where are, i hate to be so cynical, where are the votes on foreign policy in is this country so war weary, the obama campaign thinks that getting out of iraq and getting out of afghanistan and staying on the side lines in syria is where the public sentiment is. >>guest: they are probably right and there is a wearyness with spending but that is a reason it is hard to imagine four years after 2008 wasn't john mccain was the nominee and when the policy against democrats was the central theme, republicans now are just as eager to end the war in afghanistan and spending. but it becomes a leadership issue on foreign policy and it
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is going to behoove governor romney to talk more of this. he understands the issues and he is a smart guy, so, it is not going to be the central focus. the economy is. but i would expect to hear more foreign policy in the debates certainly, at the end of this general election. >>chris: brit, the united states and our allies met with the iranians this week in iraq and held another round of meetings and the only thankible agreement was they would hold a third round in now in mid-june. is diplomacy, is it going to run out? where does this go? >>guest: well, it looks like it is not going anywhere and the iranians stalling what they have been going for years. this will go on the ledger, i think, of foreign policy failure. if things go from bad to worse in iraq, that could end up there, as well, and the situation in afghanistan where we are leashing could deteriorate, as well, and this
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administration had a case to make on foreign policy, we got rid of bin laden but if it goes south in a number different places and the world often does not cooperate with your political schedule, the president could end up deeply on the defensive about foreign policy into the election. it is true that the country is war weary, the expense and the loss of life but also accustomed to the united states playing a leadership role in the world and when things go badly people, without articulating it with specifics, expect the united states leadership, the president, to do something, and it appears to be failing to do something or not even trying, that could be a serious burden on israel's election chances. >> campaign will be 100 percent about jobs and little about foreign policy. on the substance of iran, the white house feels different and thinks the sanctions are working and iran is getting weaker and
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they hope that the diplomacy will work so we have to wait-and-see what happens. >>chris: they feel in july when the oil embargo goes into effect then you will begin to see weakening of the iranians? >> they feel there is weakening because iran is having trouble selling oil. the sanctions . >> the centrifuges and enriching? >> right but the point is the more trouble they have selling oil the more likely they are to come to the table. that is the view because that is where they make the bulk of their money, what supports their government. the sanctions are making it difficult to sell the oil. >> to brit's point it blows up because there is a lack of united states leadership, and that is, i think, the worry for the obama administration, that they ceded out the we syria process to the medium and that is not going well. they hope to nurse iran through until after the election but if israel decides to act, or there continues to be great violence
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in syria they could get the reputation of not having moved and that could come back and reflect badly. >> thank you, panel. do not forget to check out panel plus where we pick up with the discussion on our website at and follow us on twitter. news sunday. we he want to remind and we want to remind you of my wife's new cookbook with her recipe for butterfly grilled chicken, perfect for a holiday weekend. miss. ♪ ♪ i can do anything ♪ i can do anything today
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>>. >> chris: it's all too easy to think of memorialay >>chris: it is too easy to think of memorial day as a time for barbecues but there is a deeper meaning. here is our power player of the week. >> each day is memorial day to me. and it is important that each day is memorial day to the rest of the this country. brian knows about sacrifice. she and her younger brother, travis, grew up in the military. their dad was a marine. the first song my brother and i remember the two of us singing is the marine corps hymn.
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♪ from the halls >> he excelled at everything, he went to the naval academy intending to follow in his gather's footsteps. he wanted to be in the fight. he was on the a second tour in iraq in 2007 when the unit was ambushed and the first lieutenant was rescuing some of the wounded comrades and he was killed by a sniper. >> he exposed him himself to save the comrades. >>guest: he did. >> family was devastated but determined. >> we have to work together to make sure that travis' legacy lives on and honor him the way he would want to be honored. all his mother started the travis manion foundation and it was what kept her going.
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>> i feel some comfort in the fact knowing he died for his country and he loved what he did. >> the goal is to honor fallen by challenging the living. through private donations and corporation sponsorships from companies such as g.m. and comcast they provide challenge grand. one went to the family of of a sold killed in 2006. all they build a house for a homeless family in five days. the only thing that shows it is for shane is a small plaque, in memory of shane harris. but in 2010 navy seal, travis' best room and roommate at the naval academy was killed in afghanistan. the two families decided to bury their boys, together, at arlington national cemetery. >> nothing more beautiful to know they lay together and they
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are side-by-side like they were at the academy. >> last memorial day president obama visited their graves and talked about their devotion to duty. >> brotherhood. sacrifice. love of country. >>chris: the story does not end there. last september, janet was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. she fought for nine months while continuing to run the foundation before she finally died in april days before the 5th anniversary of his death. in her will, there was one special directive. >> the travis manion foundation continue on through family and friends. >> the person that inspeared me, reason why i am standing for all of us is my brother, travis. ryan took over for her mom to continue finding ways to carry on her brother's legacy. >> i don't know many times i
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have had someone say in three weeks you have big shoes to fill. and i do. and i could not be more proud of this the family that i have. >> so ryan and the rest of the family will spend this memorial day at arlington honoring travis and brendon and all the others. >> do not be afraid to go up to a family you know has lost a loved one in the war and say "thank you." because just knowing people remember is one of the greatest feelings that a family of a fallen can have. >>chris: after we talked ryan gave me this bracelet it has the names of travis and brendon and "warriors for freedom, brothers forever." if you would like to find out more about the travis manion foundation go to the website and some time this weekend rebel what ryan said, just say
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"thanks" to those who gave their lives for our freedom. r our fre. we'll see you next fox news sunday. i'm harris faulkner. this is the fox report. beryl upgraded to a tropical storm now expected to make landfall in the next few hours. nan emergency meeting at the united nations following the massacre of dozens of children in syria. could this be the game changer. and the international response to the ongoing slaughter. revved up. to honor the fallen. veterans and the active service men and women who put their lives on the line for us every